Sunday, December 31, 2023

Stutterin’ Devils - Devil Behind The Wheel

 1 Devil Behind The Wheel 
2 Life Out Of Suitcase

Tornado Beat! - He's a wolf

 Tornado Beat! - He's A Wolf (2:28) 
Tornado Beat! - Don't take it too far (2:54)


The Zipheads - Everybody Knows

 1. Everybody Knows (Single version)02:50 
 2. Everybody Knows (It's Christmas) 02:59


Unlucky Strike - Meanwhile, Back at the Lab

 1 (Welcome to Unluckyville) 00:00:39 2 Break These Chains 00:02:42 3 Dancing in Broken Glass 00:03:57 4 3AM Again (Album Version) 00:02:54 5 (Dg Tonic Commercial) 00:00:30 6 This Drinking Game (Album Version) 00:03:51 7 Lucky 7 Club 00:03:23 8 (You Are on the Air!) 00:00:38 9 City Beautiful (Album Version) 00:03:31 10 Angel Hair (Album Version) 00:03:00 11 (Perfume Ad) 00:00:26 12 Fatal Addiction (Album Version) 00:03:58 13 Strings Attached 00:04:24 14 (They're Shuttin' Us Down) 00:00:44 15 From Trust to Treason 00:03:04 16 (Destroy All Humans!) 00:00:49

Saturday, December 30, 2023


 Password is coffee

Thanks to all the people who have donated . I will make a new password in january and will send  to you .

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Haylen - Out of Line

 Haylen - Don't Give It Up (3:43) Haylen - Encore une nuit (4:53) Haylen - Little Star (4:15) Haylen - Out of Line (3:57) Haylen - Good Things (4:50)

Haylen-OutofLine.7z   usual password

Friday, December 29, 2023

The Starphonics - Wild Wild Lover

 The Starphonics - Wild Wild Lover (3:20) The Starphonics - Summertime (2:46) The Starphonics - Dolly Dolly (3:38) The Starphonics - Gogo Bar (3:09) The Starphonics - Streets of Chicago (2:42) The Starphonics - So Long Good Bye (2:31) The Starphonics - Touch Me (2:45) The Starphonics - Moo Cow (3:40)

Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Rockats - Live at the Ritz

 The Rockats - Rockin' Baby (Live) (2:4) The Rockats - Rite Time (Live) (2:05) The Rockats - My Way (Live) (2:14) The Rockats - Go Kat Wild (Live) (2:15) The Rockats - Love This Kat (Live) (3:08) The Rockats - Start over Again (Live) (4:24) The Rockats - Krazy Baby (Live) (2:42) The Rockats - 50 Miles from Nowhere (Live) (2:48) The Rockats - At My Front Door (Live) (2:32) The Rockats - Wrong Rite Reason (Live) (3:13) The Rockats - Room to Rock (Live) (1:54) The Rockats - All Thru the Nite (Live) (3:30) The Rockats - I Wanna Bop (Live) (2:30)

TheRockats-LiveattheRitz.7z   usual password

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Black Ball Boogie - Hey dove vai!

 1 Teresina 3:22 2 Hey dove vai! 3:18 Il molesto 3:01 4 Cara 3:33 5 Capra 3:05 6 Mi manca un venerdì 2:55 7 Il matto 2:58 8 Garibaldi 2:25


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Ugly Mobile

 Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Bald Head, Hairy Guitar (2:19) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Ugly Mobile (2:49) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Orangutan (3:06) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - One Armed Bandit (2:16) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Sally Mae (2:45) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Voodoo Love (2:28) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Heiroglyphic (2:18) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Ramona (3:03) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Indestructible Love (2:26) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Why Can't I Find What I'm Lookin' For (2:51) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Don't Know Where To Start (2:23) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Meanwhile Back In The Jungle (3:08) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - Number One Son (2:19) Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers - There's Only One Louie (2:44)

HipboneSlimUglyMobile.7z   usual password

Monday, December 25, 2023

Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Deadlines

 Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Deadlines (2:14) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Don't Look Now (3:55) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - I Ain't Rich (2:56) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - (I Know) You Don't Love Me (1:54) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Love Is Amazing (3:07) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Hillbilly Blues (2:51) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Can I Change My Mind (2:34) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Too Late (2:41) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - How I Got To Memphis (3:02) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Love Is a Four Letter Word (2:49)


Sunday, December 24, 2023

Imelda May - Slip Of The Tongue

Imelda May - Home (3:18) Imelda May - GBH (1:47) Imelda May - Elephant (1:12) Imelda May - Becoming (1:50) Imelda May - Liberty Belle (1:59) Imelda May - Roses (1:48) Imelda May - The Word is Out (1:15) Imelda May - Stay (1:57) Imelda May - Stargazer (1:22)

ImeldaMay-SlipOfTheTongue.7z   password coffee

Wayne Hancock - Slingin' Rhythm

 Wayne Hancock - Slingin' Rhythm (3:07) Wayne Hancock - Dirty House Blues (2:13) Wayne Hancock - Killed Them Both (2:17) Wayne Hancock - Wear Out Your Welcome (3:35) Wayne Hancock - Two String Boogie (3:02) Wayne Hancock - Over Easy (2:24) Wayne Hancock - Small Bouquet of Roses (2:31) Wayne Hancock - Divorce Me C.O.D. (2:29) Wayne Hancock - Dog Day Blues (5:05) Wayne Hancock - Love You Always (1:53) Wayne Hancock - Thy Burdens Are Greater Than Mine (3:24) Wayne Hancock - Slingin' Rhythm Intro (0:30) 

WayneHancock-SlinginRhythm.7z    password coffee

Danny Vera - DNA

 Danny Vera - Beggin' For Trouble (2:42) Danny Vera - If Only (2:37) Danny Vera - Livin' Proof (2:40) Danny Vera - Domino, Rum-cola, Cohiba (3:32) Danny Vera - Like It Always Was (3:20) Danny Vera - Dna (3:14) Danny Vera - You Stand Beside Me (3:19) Danny Vera - Sugah Rush (2:40) Danny Vera - Pullin' Me Back (2:32) Danny Vera - Firefly (3:30) Danny Vera - Mo Money (2:41) Danny Vera - Switchblade (4:30) Danny Vera - Shadow Light (3:25) Danny Vera - When You're Crying (2:51) Danny Vera - When The Light Shines (2:50) Danny Vera - Away (3:57) 

DannyVera-DNA.7z   usual password

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Hipbone Slim & The Kneejerks - From The Back Of Beyond

 1. Where You Gone? 
02:11 2. Hey Catalina! 02:17 3. 
Celandine 02:25 
4. Beyond The Back Of Beyond 02:24

HipboneSlim-FromTheBackOfBeyond.7z   usual password

Messer Chups - Lost Tracks

 Messer Chups - Shostakovich Beat (1:45) Messer Chups - Mondo Pshik (3:02) Messer Chups - Spy Bites an Ampoule of Poison (3:03) Messer Chups - Claster Lancaster (3:26) Messer Chups - Catherina Deneuve Pricked by an Umbrella (3:22) Messer Chups - Circus Annetta (4:05) Messer Chups - Black Black Magic Magic (2:27) Messer Chups - Cat Rozi (3:28) Messer Chups - Star Father (3:05) Messer Chups - Polivox Box (0:48) Messer Chups - Amore grande (3:10) Messer Chups - Primitive Detective (2:47) Messer Chups - Not Made in Moon (2:39) Messer Chups - Children Humanoid (2:42) Messer Chups - Misssurf 98 (2:46) Messer Chups - Guitarkin's Holiday of Hamburg (2:32) Messer Chups - Polivox Box (3:18)

  MesserChupsLostTracks.7z   usual password

Friday, December 22, 2023

Legendary Shack Shakers - Cockadoodledeux

 Legendary Shack Shakers - Rawhide (2:28) Legendary Shack Shakers - Tickle Your Innards (2:58) Legendary Shack Shakers - They Won't Let Me Forget (All The Things I Can't Recall) (2:45) Legendary Shack Shakers - God Forsaken Town (3:35) Legendary Shack Shakers - U-Can-Be-A-Star (2:30) Legendary Shack Shakers - Port Arthur Boys (2:28) Legendary Shack Shakers - Secret Mountain (2:26) Legendary Shack Shakers - I Told You So (2:45) Legendary Shack Shakers - I Don't Remember Loving You (3:26) Legendary Shack Shakers - Punk Rock Retirement Plan (2:38) Legendary Shack Shakers - Triple-Timer (1:29) Legendary Shack Shakers - Farewell Ye Rovin' Eyed Girls (2:25)

Bone Tee & The Slughunters - Country Boys

 Bone Tee & The Slughunters - Turkish Delight (2:32) Bone Tee & The Slughunters - Shake It Babe (3:08) Bone Tee & The Slughunters - Baker's Morning Moan (3:18) Bone Tee & The Slughunters - Half Price (2:53) Bone Tee & The Slughunters - French Car (4:48) Bone Tee & The Slughunters - Thorny Tree (4:24) Bone Tee & The Slughunters - Money Men (3:22) Bone Tee & The Slughunters - Voodoo Doll (5:04) Bone Tee & The Slughunters - A Pen to a Swine (3:11) Bone Tee & The Slughunters - When She Calls My Name (3:18) Bone Tee & The Slughunters - Poor Young Country Boy (4:07)

BoneTee&TheSlughunters-CountryBoys.7z   usual password

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Imelda May - 11 Past The Hour

 Imelda May - 11 Past The Hour (3:59) Imelda May - Breathe (3:24) Imelda May - Made To Love (feat. Ronnie Wood) (3:25) Imelda May - Different Kinds Of Love (3:01) Imelda May - Diamonds (2:59) Imelda May - Don’t Let me Stand on My Own (3:37) Imelda May - What We Did In The Dark (feat. Miles Kane) (3:33) Imelda May - Can't Say (3:47) Imelda May - Just One Kiss (feat. Noel Gallagher & Ronnie Wood) (3:22) Imelda May - Solace (3:35) Imelda May - Never Look Back (3:27) 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Jittery Jack and Amy Griffin on - Gonna Have A Time With ...

Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - Something Wicked This Way Comes (2:45) Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - Gonna Have A Time (2:45) Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - Boston (My Home Town) (1:44) Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - Dance Adrianne Dance (2:39) Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - Heartbreaker (2:17) Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - Boston Baby (1:50) Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - Let's Get Loose (2:08) Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - Full Snow Moon (3:03) Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - Little Red Book (2:03) Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - Peek-a-Boo Honey (1:58) Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - See You Friday (2:28) Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - Tell Your Story Walking (3:15) Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar - You Can't Drive Me Crazy (2:07)

JitteryJackandAmyGriffinon-GonnaHaveATimeWith.7z    To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) Para obtener la contraseña donar y le enviaremos la contraseña ( pase será el mismo para todos los puestos ) o enviar un correo electrónico a

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Imelda May - Life. Love. Flesh. Blood (Special Edition)

 Imelda May - Call Me (3:27) Imelda May - Black Tears (feat. Jeff Beck) (4:03) Imelda May - Should've Been You (3:38) Imelda May - Sixth Sense (4:14) Imelda May - Human (3:40) Imelda May - How Bad Can A Good Girl Be (3:27) Imelda May - Bad Habit (4:42) Imelda May - Levitate (3:33) Imelda May - When It's My Time (feat. Jools Holland) (5:16) Imelda May - Leave Me Lonely (4:01) Imelda May - The Girl I Used To Be (4:04) Imelda May - The Longing (5:38) Imelda May - Flesh And Blood (3:25) Imelda May - Game Changer (3:35) Imelda May - Love And Fear (4:00)


Monday, December 18, 2023

The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Buy Beg Or Steal

The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Buy Beg Or Steal (3:10) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Broken Heart (2:43) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - She Kicked Me To The Curb (2:44) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Natascia (3:12) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Trouble & Strife (2:57) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - My Love For Evermore (3:24) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Night Of The Living Ted (2:18) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Imagine A World (2:30) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Goin' To Milano (1:58) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Touch Me (2:47) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Rock 'n' Roll Girl (2:59) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Chalk Farm Breakdown (1:24) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Enola Gay (3:24)

HME-BuyBegOrSteal.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) Para obtener la contraseña donar y le enviaremos la contraseña ( pase será el mismo para todos los puestos ) o enviar un correo electrónico a

The Hicksville Bombers-Voodoo Doll


The Hicksville Bombers - Real Rockin' Party (1:43) The Hicksville Bombers - Low On Gas (3:13) The Hicksville Bombers - Voodoo Doll (2:40) The Hicksville Bombers - Until The Day I Die (2:44) The Hicksville Bombers - So Hot She's Cool (2:04) The Hicksville Bombers - Can't Buy Your Goodbye (2:28) The Hicksville Bombers - Deal With The Devil (2:58) The Hicksville Bombers - Ready To Rumble (3:11) The Hicksville Bombers - Hold Your Head Up High (3:15) The Hicksville Bombers - Take Care Of My Heart (2:32) The Hicksville Bombers - I've Changed My Mind (3:21) The Hicksville Bombers - Memphis Cat (2:15) The Hicksville Bombers - Love Substitute (2:55) The Hicksville Bombers - I'm Here If You Want Me There (2:35) The Hicksville Bombers - Shuffle Home Boogie (2:38) 

 TheHicksvilleBombers-VoodooDoll.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) Para obtener la contraseña donar y le enviaremos la contraseña ( pase será el mismo para todos los puestos ) o enviar un correo electrónico a

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sallie Ford & The sound outside - Untamed beast

 Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside - Addicted (3:48) Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside - Party kids (2:38) Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside - Bad boys (2:59) Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside - Shivers (4:39) Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside - Devil (2:21) Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside - Paris (3:19) Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside - Do me right (3:03) Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside - Lip boy (2:44) Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside - Rockabilly (2:15) Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside - Roll around (3:16) Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside - They told me (3:22)

SallieFordUntamedbeast.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) Para obtener la contraseña donar y le enviaremos la contraseña ( pase será el mismo para todos los puestos ) o enviar un correo electrónico a

Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - Little Black Heart

 Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - Not for Long (3:12) Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - Can You Spare a Match? (2:22) Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - All Knocked Up (2:22) Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - Put You Down (3:50) Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - Mean Mean Woman (1:44) Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - I See Green (2:46) Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - Little Black Heart (3:16) Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - Camille (3:44) Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - When I Steal (3:03) Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - Who You Think I Am (3:25) Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - Pretty Little Kitty (4:10) Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - The Way I Walk (3:19) Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers - You Underwhelm Me (3:26)

  RubyDeeLittleBlackHeart.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) Para obtener la contraseña donar y le enviaremos la contraseña ( pase será el mismo para todos los puestos ) o enviar un correo electrónico a

Kristi Jean & Her Ne'er-Do-Wells - One More Time

 Kristi Jean & Her Ne'er-Do-Wells - One More Time (3:17) Kristi Jean & Her Ne'er-Do-Wells - All I've Got To Do (3:23) Kristi Jean & Her Ne'er-Do-Wells - Funnel Of Love (3:05) Kristi Jean & Her Ne'er-Do-Wells - Divorce Me Cod (2:35) Kristi Jean & Her Ne'er-Do-Wells - Cow Cow Boogie (4:20) Kristi Jean & Her Ne'er-Do-Wells - Bill Bailey (2:21) Kristi Jean & Her Ne'er-Do-Wells - Acre Of Our Own (Live) (3:49) Kristi Jean & Her Ne'er-Do-Wells - The Night You Wrote That Song (5:12) Kristi Jean & Her Ne'er-Do-Wells - Nowhere Man (2:40)

KristiJean1MoreTime.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) Para obtener la contraseña donar y le enviaremos la contraseña ( pase será el mismo para todos los puestos ) o enviar un correo electrónico a

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Eddy Blake Trio - Bucko

Eddy Blake Trio - Terrible Tara Belle (1:40) Eddy Blake Trio - Do a Little Bop (2:15) Eddy Blake Trio - Everyday of My Life is a Waste of Time (2:59) Eddy Blake Trio - Good Old Boys (2:04) Eddy Blake Trio - Play It Up (2:53) Eddy Blake Trio - That's Why I Do What I Do (1:52) Eddy Blake Trio - Stormy (2:55) Eddy Blake Trio - Lost and I'll Never Find My Way (2:37) Eddy Blake Trio - Love Me Baby (2:15) Eddy Blake Trio - My Girl Minnie (1:30) Eddy Blake Trio - I'm a Wrecking Ball (1:42) Eddy Blake Trio - Blues Stay Away From Me (3:54) Eddy Blake Trio - You Can't Walk My Walk (2:21)

EddyBlakeTrio-Bucko.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) Para obtener la contraseña donar y le enviaremos la contraseña ( pase será el mismo para todos los puestos ) o enviar un correo electrónico a

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Rock'n'Roll Kamikazes ‎– Campari & Toothpaste

 The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - Pocket (2:40) The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - Your Monkey (2:14) The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - You Might Not Know Me (3:17) The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - Wolf (3:01) The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - Campari & Toothpaste (3:40) The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - Graveyard Blues (3:07) The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - Early Night (4:18) The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - Lordy Lord (My Ass) (3:11) The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - Who Tweaked Your Motor (3:24) The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - No No No (You Don't Love Me) (3:49) The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - Ice Cold Beer (2:21) The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - Smack (4:37) The Rock 'N' Roll Kamikazes - A Hole In Your Soul (2:47)

Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - You Gotta Do More

 Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Stumble' & Fumble' (2:10) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - I Need a Woman (2:58) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - You Don't Love Me (2:09) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Another Rainy Day (2:40) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Gold Top (2:47) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - You Gotta Do More (2:20) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - It's Your Voodoo Working (4:15) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - I Don't Care Who Knows (2:43) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Those Lonely Lonely Nights (2:49) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - Double Trouble (2:37) Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - I Got Loaded (2:30) 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Messer Chups - Adventures of Zombierella and Guitaracula

 Messer Chups - Surf De L'amour (2023 Remaster) (2:43) Messer Chups - Insomnia of the Mummies (2023 Remaster) (4:21) Messer Chups - The Mysterians (2023 Remaster) (2:17) Messer Chups - Stigmata (2023 Remaster) (3:07) Messer Chups - Big Noise from the Jungle (2023 Remaster) (2:29) Messer Chups - Children of Popcorn (2023 Remaster) (1:45) Messer Chups - Dracula Hates Killer Icicles (2023 Remaster) (2:29) Messer Chups - Catzilla Strikes Again (2023 Remaster) (2:24) Messer Chups - Midnight Preacher (2023 Remaster) (2:35) Messer Chups - Big Foot (2023 Remaster) (2:59) Messer Chups - Dolphin Hill (2023 Remaster) (3:03) Messer Chups - The Hound of the Baskervilles (2023 Remaster) (3:05)

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Rio and the Rockabilly Revival - Runaway Train

 Rio and the Rockabilly Revival - Thank You (3:19) Rio and the Rockabilly Revival - That Man's So... (3:36) Rio and the Rockabilly Revival - Runaway Train (2:56) Rio and the Rockabilly Revival - Tell It to the Moon (2:43) Rio and the Rockabilly Revival - Good Man (2:07) Rio and the Rockabilly Revival - Ain't No Grave (4:29) Rio and the Rockabilly Revival - Thank You (3:19) Rio and the Rockabilly Revival - Once Upon a Time (3:30) Rio and the Rockabilly Revival - Rumble & Roar (3:02) Rio and the Rockabilly Revival - Santa Skipped My House (3:23)

Robert Gordon - Live Fast, Love Hard

 Robert Gordon - If This Is Wrong (2:47) Robert Gordon - Mystery Train (2:36) Robert Gordon - The Way I Walk (2:37) Robert Gordon - Lonesome Train (1:51) Robert Gordon - I Sure Miss You (3:18) Robert Gordon - Rumble (3:46) Robert Gordon - Baby, What You Want Me to Do (7:49) Robert Gordon - There'll Be No Other (3:29) Robert Gordon - Blue Suede Shoes (2:17) Robert Gordon - Fire (2:47) Robert Gordon - Baby, Let's Play House (1:42) Robert Gordon - I Got a Woman (2:29) Robert Gordon - Black Slacks (2:23) Robert Gordon - Lonely Weekends (2:23) Robert Gordon - A Mess of Blues (3:09) Robert Gordon - Hello Walls (2:48) Robert Gordon - Walk On By (2:29) Robert Gordon - Little Sister (2:38) Robert Gordon - Shakin' All Over (2:22) Robert Gordon - Motor Biking (3:13) Robert Gordon - Don't Be Cruel (1:59) Robert Gordon - I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone (2:41) Robert Gordon - Suspicion (2:35) Robert Gordon - Rockabilly Boogie (2:59) Robert Gordon - Red Hot (2:04) 

Monday, December 11, 2023

Jennie & the Slingers - Tales of the Unexpected

 Jennie & the Slingers - Last Gang in Camden Town (0:47) Jennie & the Slingers - Pink Cadillac (3:49) Jennie & the Slingers - Money Cat (2:45) Jennie & the Slingers - Nobodys Fool (2:31) Jennie & the Slingers - City Nights (4:53) Jennie & the Slingers - Heartstrings (3:07) Jennie & the Slingers - Better Off Dead (3:12) Jennie & the Slingers - Better Guy (4:01) Jennie & the Slingers - Gamblin' Man (3:54) Jennie & the Slingers - Snake Eyes (4:12) Jennie & the Slingers - Lady Sings the Blues (5:08) Jennie & the Slingers - I Don't Want (3:04) Jennie & the Slingers - King Kong (4:48) 

Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - Set Two

 Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - Yes Ma'am (2:57) Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - Brain Cloudy Blues (3:48) Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - Let the Teardrops Fall (2:39) Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - There Stands the Glass (2:55) Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - Don't Think Twice (3:41) Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - Jones On the Jukebox (3:35) Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - Louisiana Waltz (3:46) Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - Send Me Away (2:51) Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - Six Pack to Go (2:51) Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - Sittin' On Top of the World (3:20) Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - I'm Coming Home (2:58) Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - That's Why I Ride (3:55) Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue - Plastic Jesus (4:03)

GalHolidaySetTwo.7z   Usual password

Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - My Love for Evermore (All the Greatest Hits)

 The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Johnny Are You Gay? (3:07) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Chick Habit (2:12) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Maniac Lover (3:40) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Dead Cat Boogie (3:19) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Do I Love You (3:35) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - My Love for Evermore (3:26) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Call Me (3:37) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Westbound Train (3:47) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Drive This Truck No More (2:29) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Perfidia (4:29) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Little Lil' (2:48) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Spiderman (2:19) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - The Long Way Down (2:40) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Buy Beg or Steal (3:09) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Northern Crown (3:28) The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Walk Italian (2:22) 

The Roadrunners - Have We Got Blues For You

 The Roadrunners - Do the Ghost Dance (2:53) The Roadrunners - Hocus Pocus (2:04) The Roadrunners - Dizzy Miss Lizzy (2:52) The Roadrunners - You Are the One (3:12) The Roadrunners - Wildcat Tamer (2:27) The Roadrunners - She's Gone (3:03) The Roadrunners - Never Gone This Way (2:37) The Roadrunners - Bottle Up And Go (2:59) The Roadrunners - Cadillac Baby (3:05) The Roadrunners - Voodoo Child #3 (3:46) The Roadrunners - The Way You're Cheatin' Me (2:56) The Roadrunners - Worried Man Blues (2:48) The Roadrunners - She's Dynamit (2:10) The Roadrunners - I'm Gonna Treat You Right (2:04) The Roadrunners - Let It Roll (2:30) The Roadrunners - One More Time (3:07) The Roadrunners - Lil' Miss Fire (2:07) The Roadrunners - Cat Woman (2:46) The Roadrunners - Lockjaw (2:03) The Roadrunners - It's Alright Alright (2:51) 

TheRoadrunners-HaveWeGotBluesForYou.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) 

Para obtener la contraseña donar y le enviaremos la contraseña ( pase será el mismo para todos los puestos ) o enviar un correo electrónico a

Bloodshot Bill - Psyche-O-Billy

Bloodshot Bill - Impresto (1:58) Bloodshot Bill - Tell Me To Go (2:23) Bloodshot Bill - I'm A Ding Dong (2:00) Bloodshot Bill - Say To That (2:00) Bloodshot Bill - Sorry (2:05) Bloodshot Bill - You Gotta (1:47) Bloodshot Bill - Tik Tik Love Call (1:58) Bloodshot Bill - Comin On Strong (1:53) Bloodshot Bill - Yes I Know (2:07) Bloodshot Bill - Won't Back Down (2:16) Bloodshot Bill - Everyday (2:05) Bloodshot Bill - This Is (2:00) Bloodshot Bill - Try Again (2:07) Bloodshot Bill - Guess What (2:05)

BloodshotBill-Psyche-O-Billy.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) 

Para obtener la contraseña donar y le enviaremos la contraseña ( pase será el mismo para todos los puestos ) o enviar un correo electrónico a

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Rusti Steel - & The Star Tones - Hey D.J.!

 You Move Me (3:04) A Dog Named Rhythm (2:46) Hey DJ! (2:31) Tirill - Wise In Their Own Eyes (2:47) Sweet Ruby (2:47) Them - I Like It Like That (2:46) I'm A Rocker (2:29) I Lost My Cool (2:35) To Say The Least (2:40) Fard - Dance Baby Dance (2:36) Sly & Robbie - Let's Rock (C'Mon & Roll) (2:50) Mix & Dorp - I Ain't Lookin' For A Fight (2:29) 

RustiSteel-HeyD.J..7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) 

Para obtener la contraseña donar y le enviaremos la contraseña ( pase será el mismo para todos los puestos ) o enviar un correo electrónico a

The Caravans - Trailer Trash Rockin

 The Caravans - That's The Way It Is (3:15) The Caravans - Miracle (2:23) The Caravans - Dinosaurs Will Die (2:23) The Caravans - About A Girl (2:34) The Caravans - Worthless Weekend Clique (2:35) The Caravans - Get A Head (2:05) The Caravans - No Mercy (1:54) The Caravans - Django (1:56) The Caravans - Highway To Hell (2:19) The Caravans - Princess Of Darkness (3:26) The Caravans - Okeh Boogie (8:12) The Caravans - Snuff Babe (Bootleg) (2:33) The Caravans - Restless Heart (Bootleg) (3:09) The Caravans - Easy Money (Bootleg) (3:03) The Caravans - Highway To Hell (Bootleg) (2:37)

TheCaravans-TrailerTrashRockin.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) Para obtener la contraseña donar y le enviaremos la contraseña ( pase será el mismo para todos los puestos ) o enviar un correo electrónico a

Hank Williams III - Risin' Outlaw

 Hank Williams III - I Don't Know (3:23) Hank Williams III - You're The Reason (2:49) Hank Williams III - If The Shoe Fits (2:54) Hank Williams III - 87 Southbound (2:52) Hank Williams III - Lonesome For You (3:17) Hank Williams III - What Did Love Ever Do To You (3:01) Hank Williams III - On My Own (2:55) Hank Williams III - Honky Tonk Girls (2:42) Hank Williams III - Devil's Daughter (3:17) Hank Williams III - Cocaine Blues (3:53) Hank Williams III - Thunderstorms And Neon Signs (4:21) Hank Williams III - Why Don't You Leave Me Alone (5:03) Hank Williams III - Blue Devil (3:19)

HankWilliamsIII-RisinOutlaw.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) 

Para obtener la contraseña donar y le enviaremos la contraseña ( pase será el mismo para todos los puestos ) o enviar un correo electrónico a

Friday, December 8, 2023

The Refreshments - A Stiff One

 1. Travellin' light 2. Mamma rosa's 3. I must be somebody else you've known 4. The light of love 5. Mary jean 6. Shim sham shimmy 7. Chateauneuf-du-pape 8. Howard the coward 9. No mojo 10. Midnite blues 11. Slippery slope 12. She's got what it takes 13. Go go go

TheRefreshments-AStifOne.7z   usual password

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Cellmates - Rockabilly Feeling

 The Cellmates - Roll Down The Road (3:06) The Cellmates - Boppin' Around The Town (2:32) The Cellmates - Teenage Boogie (2:36) The Cellmates - Pink Pedal Pushers (2:57) The Cellmates - Summer Of '69 (2:43) The Cellmates - C'mon Everybody (2:44) The Cellmates - Can't Sleep At Night (3:27) The Cellmates - Rockabilly Feeling (2:48) The Cellmates - Baby Don't (2:34) The Cellmates - Blue Moon Of Kentucky (2:26) The Cellmates - Speedy Race (2:50) The Cellmates - Cellmates' Rock (2:51)

TheCellmates-RockabillyFeeling.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts ) 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Hank Williams III - Hillbilly Joker

 Hank Williams III - Hillbilly Joker (2:17) Hank Williams III - I'm Drunk Again (3:51) Hank Williams III - Life Of Sin (3:12) Hank Williams III - 10 Feet Down (4:08) Hank Williams III - Pistol Packin (3:13) Hank Williams III - Tennessee Driver (2:14) Hank Williams III - M.F.J. (2:31) Hank Williams III - Now He's Dead (2:59) Hank Williams III - Drink It, Drug It (3:00) Hank Williams III - Hellbilly (4:14)

  HankWilliamsIII-HillbillyJoker.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts )

Monday, December 4, 2023

Soil Senders - Voodoo Bop


SoilSenders-VoodooBop.7z   To get the Pasword donate and we will send the password ( pass will be same for all posts )

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Blues Harmonica Spotlight

 James Harman Band - Wake Up Call (2:35) Darrell Nulisch And Texas Heat - Love and War (3:30) Sam Myers - My Love Is Here To Stay (3:30) Rod Piazza & The Mighty Flyers - 4811 Wadsworth (5:33) Lee McBee - I Don't Want You Hanging Around (2:06) Snooks Eaglin - Bombastic (4:02) Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters - My Home Is A Prison (5:13) James Harman Band - Mad About Something (4:38) Lee McBee, Mike Morgan & The Crawl - ''Big D'' Shuffle (2:28) Rod Piazza & The Mighty Flyers - Back Door Man (5:21) Anson Funderburgh & The Rockets - Since We've Been Together (3:22) Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters - Ridin' In The Moonlight (4:04) The Crawl, Lee McBee - Full Moon Over Dallas (3:40) Sam Myers & Anson Funderburgh - The Hep Cats In Big Town (4:51) Rod Piazza & The Mighty Flyers - Tangled With A Woman (4:29) Lee McBee, Mike Morgan - Sweet Lolita (3:31)

BluesHarmonicaSpotlight.7z   usual password

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Smokehouse Dave - Hot To Trot

 Smokehouse Dave - Coontail Boogie (2:26) Smokehouse Dave - Don't Push Me Too Far (2:17) Smokehouse Dave - Rattlesnake Daddy (2:17) Smokehouse Dave - Juke Joint Saturday Night (2:15) Smokehouse Dave - Real Gone Daddy (2:07) Smokehouse Dave - Big Boy Rock (3:07) Smokehouse Dave - Adios Mi Amor (1:55) Smokehouse Dave - Save Your Dimes (2:29) Smokehouse Dave - I'll Never, Never Let You Go (2:06) Smokehouse Dave - Real Gone Jesse (I'm Hot To Trot) (2:07) Smokehouse Dave - Gonna Love My Baby (2:13) Smokehouse Dave - Save Your Dimes (Live) (4:01)

SmokehouseDave-HotToTrot.7z   Usual password

Friday, December 1, 2023

Hot Club of Cowtown - Continental Stomp

 Hot Club of Cowtown - Diga Diga Doo (2:51) Hotlub of Cowtown - Deed I Do (3:39) Hot Club of Cowtown - Chinatown (3:51) Hot Club of Cowtown - I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby (4:04) Hot Club of Cowtown - Ida Red (3:06) Hot Club of Cowtown - Pennies from Heaven (4:15) Hot Club of Cowtown - Crazy 'Cause I Love You (2:36) Hot Club of Cowtown - The Girl I Left Behind Me (2:58) Hot Club of Cowtown - After You've Gone (4:42) Hot Club of Cowtown - Exactly Like You (4:22) Hot Club of Cowtown - My Window Faces the South (3:54) Hot Club of Cowtown - Orange Blossom Special (4:10) Hot Club of Cowtown - I Can't Believe You're in Love With Me (3:27) Hot Club of Cowtown - Pussy, Pussy, Pussy (4:45)

Omar & The String Poppers - Gettin' Wilder

 One More (2:30) Don't You Tease (1:47) Rockhouse (2:08) Half Loved (2:06) My Baby Don't Rock (1...