Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Johnnie Allan - Shine On (And Favorites From The Past)

1. Johnnie Allan - La bague qui brille (The Ring That Shines) (2:45) 2. Johnnie Allan - Shine On (2:58) 3. Johnnie Allan - Unfinished Business (3:03) 4. Johnnie Allan - Ca, ca c'est dur (It's, it's so hard) (3:10) 5. Johnnie Allan - La mule a Fuselier (2:46) 6. Johnnie Allan - I'm So Afraid Of Losing You Again (2:45) 7. Johnnie Allan - Greener Grass on the Other Side of the Mountain (3:02) 8. Johnnie Allan - Monde des cadiens (4:00) 9. Johnnie Allan - Homebound Train (2:20) 10. Johnnie Allan - La robe (The Dress) (3:06) 11. Johnnie Allan - You Win Again (2:02) 12. Johnnie Allan - Where Are You Jolie Blonde (2:53) 13. Johnnie Allan - Ma belle Sophie (2:52) 14. Johnnie Allan - (Hey, Hey, Hey) I Feel Like Dancin' (2:33) 15. Johnnie Allan - Round Again (3:01)


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